Monday, September 20, 2004

Candidates, memos, and military service

So CBS is admitting that the memo that allegedly calls President Bush's national guard service into question is more likely than not a fake. Good. My only hope is that now this "story" can die the death it deserves and everyone can move on to more important issues. Between this and the swift boat veterans controversy, I'm sick of it all.

Not that these things aren't at least worth touching upon--these men have both brought their service backgrounds into their campaign, and this is an issue that should be examined. After all, the integrity of the candidates should be first and foremost in every voter's mind as they enter the voting booth. But does every little factoid need to be page one news every single night?

While we in America demand greedily the details of things that happened thirty years ago, terrorists are kidnapping and murdering Americans. Which is more important? I know what my answer to that question is.

And the war on terror isn't the only thing more important than past service records. How about the FCC's crackdown on "shock jocks", the environment, or the death of fair-use? There are a hundred things that actually matter because they affect the future, not the past, but yet never seem to get talked about on the news.

Come on, George and John. Keep the past in the past and talk about meaningful, current issues. Don't make me vote Libertarian.

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