Monday, September 20, 2010

Delaware Gets Teabagged

Great job, Delaware Republicans. Way to throw away a sure U.S. Senate seat pickup in favor of a lost cause. Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face. Look, I don't agree with Castle's voting record 100% either (most notably his support for cap-and-trade, but that's a topic for another time). We could have sent a moderate Republican who can work with the Democrats in Congress and the White House, engaging in discussion rather than screeching and feces-flinging that's better suited to howler monkeys than elected officials. Instead, we've got a choice between Christine O'Donnell, a paranoid maniac who can't manage her own finances and believes that pregnant rape victims should be forced by law to carry the consequences of their attack to term, and Chris Coons, a man who's never been elected to office above the county level (the highest office he's held is county executive--the equivalent of being mayor of a city with a population of around half a million) and managed to convert a budget surplus when he took office into a whopping deficit in just four years, only managing to pull out of it with three property tax hikes over that same period.

There are no high cards in this hand, folks....just a bunch of jokers. That's why I'll be pulling the lever for Libertarian Jim Rash in November. It's a wasted vote, but it's the only call I can make in this election that'll allow me to sleep at night.


  1. Yeah, I agree 100%. Despite his cap and trade vote Castle still voted agaisnt Obama-care, agaisnt the stimulus, and favored extending the Bush tax cuts. However for the tea baggers and their golden calf Sarah Palin, that's not conservative enough in a state that gave the President 62% of the vote and a state that hasn;t elected a republican governor or voted for a GOP presdential candidate since 1988. They'd rather send a raving lunatic like O'Donnell to lose to a guy in Coons who will vote with the President 98%. Makes a lot of sense. Thanks Tea baggers.


  2. Oh and another thought for the baggers who claim to care about reversing the crap that the President has soved down our throats the last two years - In order to have a realistic shot at at least watering down or even partially repealing the atrocity that is Obama-care, we need to win the WH in '12, win and hold the house in '10 and '12, and get as close as possible to 60 votes in the senate in the next two cycles. How the hell are we going to get anywhere near the 19 seats in the senate we need over the next two cycles by knocking off electable moderates in blue states?!? and i don't want to hear any of this standard bagger babble: blah blah blah real conservatives blah blah blah RINO blah blah blah where's Obama's birth certificate blah blah blah). To win in state's in the northeast, we need people like Mike Castle.

    Frankly to me it seems that certain heros of the bagger movement (*cough* sarah palin *cough*) are in this to scare as many moderates out of the party as possible and to keep the party as small as possible. That way, in a party filled only with their sycophants, they can rule with an iron fist...bunch of crap, utter crap.

    thanks for letting me rant...again....

