Thursday, June 03, 2010

A Sad Day For Baseball

No, I'm not talking about Jim Joyce, although I do think he should be given a prostate exam with a cactus. I'm talking about The Kid, Ken Griffey Jr., and his retirement. It truly is the end of an era, and not just for the Mariners and Reds. (Not just for the White Sox era, though for them, the Ken Griffey Jr. era lasted for about two months back in 2008, so I think they're over it by now.) No, this is the end of an era for the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant All-Star Team, for the last of Mr. Burns's All-Stars has hung up his spikes and called it a career.


  1. Homer at the Bat was from 1992!? Sure, I've grown substantial amounts of ear and nose hair since then, but....1992?

    I'm fucking OLD, dude.

  2. I feel your pain.

    Literally....I mean in my back, and my knees, and my fingers, and my....
