Tastes so good, food banks ask for it by name!
Talk about publicity that's going to backfire. Imagine that you donate food, out of the goodness of your heart, to help those who are down on their luck or outright homeless...and they come back to you with a response worthy of John Kerry looking at a bowl of Chef Boyardee. Are you going to keep donating to these people? I sure won't. The arrogant, entitled attitude here makes me sick. Check out this quote from the article:
"Overall, if I'm going to cook, I want to be able to use my authentic products and brands because that's what's going to create the flavor that I want to achieve..."Guess what? I don't pay taxes and bring food to collection drives so that you can have the flavor you want to achieve. This is for basic nutrition so that you don't starve to death while you pick yourself up by your bootstraps and get a freaking job. Anything above a white-label can is an exceptional bonus, and to ask for a brand name is to ask the people who support you to get offended and cut your snobby ass off for good.
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