Thursday, March 05, 2009


I don't read the news and stress about the economy. No, I just find more and more other things to worry about. Just a few:

  • I've already posted my fears about Europe's Large Hadron Collider, or as I call it, the Doomsday Device. Now I find out that there's a similar gizmo right here in the U.S. The race is see who can cause the Apocalypse first.
  • I can't go out to eat anymore. At least not to a lot of the places I used to go. Not since my local paper introduced me to a searchable database of health code violations. I'm reasonable with it--it's not going to steer me away from my favorite cheesesteak place just because they caught one of the cooks smoking too close to the kitchen door. But I'm sure as hell never going back to the Chinese place that got written up because the staff was handling the food with piss-hands!
  • This is my ultimate fear. This is the reason that I've never had the organ donor label on my drivers license. I saw an episode of Law & Order similar to this when I was younger, and had it removed the very next time my license was renewed. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for organ donation, and my family will donate my organs, but they know to keep it to themselves until they're satisfied that I'm completely dead. In my worst moments, I imagine my organs being harvested while I'm conscious (similar to locked-in syndrome).

1 comment:

  1. I wrote a blog about the last fear on your lost, please have a look-
    Feel free to ask me any questions about organ donation.

    Doctors deal with their patient alone and are entirely seperate to transplant teams. Doctors want their patient to live, on a human level because they care and on a professional level because they get rated on patient survival statistics. Organs are only donated when the patient is brain dead with no chance of recovery.
