Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Man Movies I Missed

I was watching TV earlier and saw the commercial for the new Indiana Jones flick. I know there's a lot of buzz about it, but I'm just not catching the fever and couldn't understand why, until it hit me that I've never actually seen any of the first three all the way through. Sure, I've flipped past the boulder scene, or Mola Ram tearing out the dude's heart, but I've never sat down with a glass of scotch or a Chicory Stout and watched Raiders of the Lost Ark, or Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. That got me to thinking....there are a lot of classic "guy staples" that I've never taken the time to watch. Maybe it's something I should work on the next time I get a rainy Saturday. Here's a list of what I consider the top 10 that I've never seen (at least not all the way through):

10. War Games
9. Platoon
8. Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
7. Heat
6. Scarface
5. Any of the existing Indiana Jones trilogy
4. The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
3. Rocky I or II (though I've seen III and IV so many times I can probably recite them from memory
2. Casino
1. Raging Bull

And that's just a small sampling. I ought to be ashamed of myself.


  1. I am honestly shocked. As many movies as you've seen, you should have at least seen half that list.

    There are 5 on your list I haven't seen, but I'm not a guy that watches movies.

  2. Yeah, it's actually kind of embarrassing. I caught some grief for including Wargames as a "guy movie", so if you'd prefer, you can replace that one with the Rambo movies. I think this summer will be for catching up on some of these classics.

  3. I haven't seen any so I must be 100% woman. I certainly don't want to compromise that status...

  4. Yeah, I don't want you to compromise that status either. What would that make me?

  5. Here's one for ya

