Tuesday, February 19, 2008

All In The Family

Fidel Castro resigns as Cuba's leader

If you have Fidel in your celebrity dead pool, it's looking better and better for you. He doesn't strike me as the type of guy who'd just up and quit unless his short term health outlook was very grim indeed.

Just don't look for any big changes in the lil'est Communist dictatorship, at least in the short term. Every indication is that baby brother Raul will simply remove the "interim" from his current job title and take over as the country's leader. He's talked of reform, but it sounds pretty minor league (increasing government wages rather than overhauling the totalitarian government structure). The only saving grace in this transition is that Raul is only five years younger than Fidel--hopefully once both of the Castro Brothers are gone, Cuba can be free once more and the U.S. can lift their embargoes. I want my Cuban cigars!


  1. My cat's name is Fidel Catstro.

  2. Could be worse--he could be Mahmoud Catmadinejad. Or Muqtada Al-Catr. Or Hugo Catvez.

  3. I also have Yasser Aracat (who is dating your girlfriend's cat). It's a long distance love. I like Mahmoud Catmadinejad. That's going in my thought book. I thought of naming a cat "Catzoleeza" but I can't do that to an animal. I also may get a dog soon and I plan to name him Rumsfeld.
