Friday, September 14, 2007

Indiana Joel

No real updates this week as I struggle through a sleep-deprived week that began with a weekend trip to the Indianapolis area to visit my lovely girlfriend and give her a little break from the rigors of her PhD program. Following that, I finally got the pictures from the weekend up on my Flickr site. There's lots of good photos up there--much better than the often-lousy ones my own camera takes. But there's one in particular that's my personal favorite:

Yes, that's me with the actual Vince Lombardi Trophy, the very same one that was awarded to the Colts after they won last year's Super Bowl. Much more impressive than my friend Pat's picture with the Red Sox World Series trophy.


  1. I am so self-sacrificial that I took 2 pictures of Joel with the trophy and didn't touch it myself...MANNNN I regret that SO MUCH!

    (oh wait...)

  2. Good thing you took your opportunity to touch it in Indy. Not like you'll get a chance to ever touch it in NJ...

  3. Well, that's certainly true, especially with what I've seen so far this year. Their defense would have to get better to merely suck.

  4. Maaaaaaaaaan, oh man oh man, am I ever glad to be wrong. I will find out when the Giants' Lombardi Trophy is available to be touched, and I will post a photo here.
